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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This past weekend we went down to Indiana for what we hoped would be Malachi's last dentist appointment. Unfortunately, he broke part of his wisdom tooth in his sleep last week, so he still has one visit left to go. Thankfully that should be the last one!

We were able to spend some time with Karalise's brothers including see the little doe that Shane shot, and make some really good pizza with Micah.

We also were able to go to our church in Mentone and it was really good to be able to see and reconnect with friends that we hadn't seen for a while! It was also good to hear Pastor has been a long time.

We finished off the weekend by Malachi helping out some friends with their cars, Kara washing a mountain of dishes, and finishing up our homework assignments for Monday. We were very thankful that we were able to go their and back safely, even with the problems that our car has been having lately.

This is Malachi and Grandma making apple crisp for dessert.

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