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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Back at New Tribes Bible Institute!

Classes Start on Wednesday
Today was our first day of Orientation for our 2nd year at Tribes Bible Institute. We are back in Jackson Michigan for our final year of our first phase of New Tribes Mission's Training. This Wednesday we will begin our classes with studying: Hebrews, James, Jude, Ruth, Song of Solomon, and Ecclesiastes. We are both excited to get started and after serving this summer are very ready to be poured into again and to have plenty of time devoted to study God's Word. During our last week of camp the Lord used someone from our hime church to provide $1,150 for the rest of our downpayment. God is continuing to teach me to trust Him as He keeps providing, even up until the last minute! It is exciting to see Him use His people to accomplish His plans!

This past week...
This past week between our summer ministry at Pine Ridge Bible Camp(PRBC) ending and our school semester starting; we went back to Indiana. While we were there, Malachi was able to get some more dental work done including finishing his root canal, a tooth pulled, and several fillings. He is now at 6 dental visits out of 9. Thank you if you have helped to make this possible!!!

While Malachi was recovering from a sore mouth and intense headache, we relaxed at Karalise's parents house and had some time to evaluate and process this summer: all that went on, what we learned, and how we could grow through the struggles and frustrations we faced. We also had time to reflect on what God had done in the lives of the teens that we worked with. We praise Him for what he has done and allowed us to be a part of.

Karalise's Aunt and Uncle were back visiting from North Africa and it was wonderful to reconnect with their family along her parents and brothers and some of our friends. It was such a huge blessing to just relax and spend some time with family!

Another blessing we had was that Chelsea, our good friend (from PRBC) came and helped us move in and get settled in our new apartment at New Tribes Bbible Institute. We still don't have running water or a bathroom, but I am very thankful as we are now just accross the hall from one. :)

Praise the Lord for providing work for both of us!
Malachi got his job back at Hot Topic, a store in the mall which he started today. Karalise will continue to do homecare for a local lady near school, starting tomorrow.

We were warmly welcomed back to our church in Albion, MI and we are excited to continue to connect with our church family there. We are teaching childrens' church again this semester and it was fun yesterday (Sunday) to reconect with "our" kids.

Please continue to pray for us and also praise God for miraculously providing for us to be here again this semester.
Mac and Kara

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

HS Staff

This is our last week of camp and its crazy to think how fast this summer has flown by. We have had many challenges as well as a lot of encouragement. We have had 25 teens come and work with us this summer. It has been exciting to watch those that have been growing. Please be praying for these teens as they are all at points in their lives where they are figuring out what they believe and then how to live out their beliefs about God and why they are here in this world. Our GFS students have worked hard, studied hard, and have had to learn to work together lovingly in a close, hot, and fast-paced environment. They have done a good job!