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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

wrong address...oops

So I was a bit sleep deprived when I updated our blog last and I typed in the wrong address. Our actual address is:
14166 Division Ave
Cedar Springs, MI 49319

Things are going well although they are challenging as we continue to adjust to Shiloh and get settled in. We still have a few boxes to unpack and some stuff still stored at Malachi's parents house that we need to bring over here.

Malachi is still working doing lawn care, but he really does not like the job and it doesn't look like they will be able to keep him on for the winter snow removal crews, so he is looking for other work. He has applied for 2 post office jobs and will be taking the test for those within the next 2 weeks. please be praying as he studies for the tests and that the Lord will provide a job for him that Malachi enjoys and allows us to save more for our next phase of training.

Shiloh is just over 1 month now, she is gaining weight well and staying healthy. Her tummy seems to bother her a lot in the evenings though as she has been VERY fussy/screaming in the evenings and at night. Please pray that the Lord would give us patience and wisdom as we deal with her and that we would be able to find ways to give her little tummy some relief from her discomfort. She is slowly starting to be more alert during the day and sleep a little more at night so her mama is very thankful for that. She is a little one with very definite opinions of what she does and does not like and she lets us know exactly when she wants to eat, wants changed and burped. She loves showers, baths, being held, music, bouncing, and being upright so she can see everything going on around her. She does not like taking naps in a room by herself, getting dressed, or being laid down when there is someone around to hold her. (In fact this post is taking quite a while to write as Shiloh keeps deciding that is not enough to lay next me, she wants me to hold her.)

Two weekends ago we had the privilege of attending two special events. The first was the 50th wedding Anniversary of my (kara's) Grandpa and Grandma Buck. It was so neat to be able to celebrate with them their 50 years of faithfulness, not many couples stay married for that long anymore and their example is a huge encouragement to us. They were able to celebrate with all of their kids and all but one of their grandchildren who is in Mexico on a missions trip. Shiloh loved all the attention and being constantly held. This is Shiloh with Great-grandma Buck.

The second was Malachi's brother Jared's wedding. We actually didn't make it to the wedding (cuz of driving back from IN) but the reception was great and Jared's bride Lisa looked gorgeous! We had fun hanging out with family and Mac and his brothers got some pretty entertaining pictures at the photo booth. Grandma Dee had fun showing off her little grandbaby to all the friends and fam that Shiloh hadn't met yet.

Mrs Shunk:
Wile we were in Indiana for Grandpa and Grandpa's50th, we were able to stop by and see a very special friend and prayer warrior. I have known Mrs Shunk since Jr High when my youth group used to go and do yard work for the elderly women in our church. Since then she has faithfully prayed for me and now also Malachi and Shiloh. Mrs Shunk is in her late nineties and is an amazing and godly woman, it was an honor to be able to introduce our daughter to her and to be able to visit with her for a few hours! we left her apartment very encouraged and excited as she is such a godly example and the love of Christ flows through her to those she talks to. Here's a picture of Shiloh and Mrs Shunk.

Well, Shiloh finally fell asleep so I need to run and get some dishes done before she wants to eat again! Thanks for all your prayers!
Malachi, Karalise, and Shiloh Pratt

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shiloh Eliana:
Shiloh was born on July 15th at 9:00pm, her due date. She is almost on month old now and is doing great. Malachi and I are enjoying being new parents although we are definitely very tired. She has gained over a pound since she was born and 3/4 of an inch. Having a new baby has definitely brought quite a few new changes. Malachi and I are both learning how to multitask better and we do not take the time that we get together for granted. I didn't realize just how much time and energy a new baby would take. It seems that just feeding Shiloh takes the majority of my time. Malachi is still working hard for Tender Lawn Care and he also helps quite a bit with Shiloh when he is home in the evenings. She loves her Daddy and still responds to his voice when she hears him get home from work.

We were very blessed in that one week after Shiloh was born a woman from our church contacted us about a house that we could rent. She is giving us a great deal and we are so thankful to have a two bedroom house out in the country with lots of space. Our new address is:
16144 Division Ave
Cedar Springs MI 49319
We are still unpacking and getting settled in, this move is taking quite a bit longer now that we have a new member of our family who seems to want quite a bit of attention and she is just so cute that we can't seem to leave her alone. :)

We are really enjoying being in the GR area and its really nice to be so close to Malachi's family. We've been enjoying being able to spend time with them and I really like the opportunity to get to know everyone better. We are also enjoying going to Kent City Baptist Church although we have not been able to get involved there yet, though we are hoping to soon!
Thanks for your prayers!

Mac, Kara, and Shiloh Pratt