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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Frederick Meijer Gardens with Grandma Dee

   Yesterday Grandma Dee took Shiloh, Asher, and me to the Frederick Meijer Gardens to check out the Butterfly Exhibit. At first Shiloh was pretty bummed that we were not going to the farm to "help" Grandpa feed the cows, but once we arrived, she got very excited. 
It was hot and humid inside!

Looking at the waterfall through the rocks
Watching the butterflies fly around while she recharged with some water. 

No Mom, i want to run around, not hold Asher for a picture!
So excited at everything to see outside!

This was Shiloh's favorite place, a pretend beaver lodge complete with puppet beavers and logs to climb on. We had a hard time getting Shiloh to want to go anywhere else!

"Bird, eggs, bird, eggs, bird, eggs, etc..." "Yes Shiloh, those are eggs and the birds sit  on them" :)

Running and bouncing across the bridge
It was a fun day, but we were all very tired when we left, thanks for the fun day Grandma Dee! :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pie for breakfast?!?

   Yesterday evening while Malachi was gone fixing our car, Shiloh and I decided to make a treat for when he got home. At the ripe old age of 21 months, I figured Shiloh was old enough to learn how to make a pie herself...
rolling out the crust
She loved every second of it and our floor and table were thoroughly dusted with flour. 
adding the fruit
A berry for the pie, then one for the baby. Her favorite part was dipping the frozen berries in the pie filling and sucking on them. 
putting on the "lid"
After I put it in the oven, Shiloh kept running around the kitchen yelling: "hot, pie" "hot, pie" Since her little pie was not finished until after her bedtime; she had to wait til the next morning to enjoy it...
Pie (and eggs) for  breakfast :)
I hope this made you smile...have a wonderful day!