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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a girl!

Yesterday we had our ultra-sound! It was so fun to see our little baby moving around inside of me and it was super cool to find out that we are having a little girl! Everything seems to be fine with her, so we are thankful for that. Now the hard part, Malachi and I have to agree on a name (which we won't be disclosing until she is born...we have to have some sort of suspense).

Love Malachi, Karalise, and Baby Girl Pratt

Saturday, February 12, 2011

happy valentines day!

Well, we just started our 2nd block here at New Tribes Bible Institute. It's been a bit of a gradual incline as things are starting to get busier and busier with our homework, especially for Malachi. We just finished studying Philippians and 1st and 2nd Thessalonians and Malachi is continuing to study Daniel and Revelation. On Thursday we started in on the Pastoral Epistles (1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus) and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John. Malachi is starting an elective this week to study Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
This semester we had an incoming class and we are enjoying getting to know some of the freshman couples and also that my brother TJ is here, though he seems to stay pretty busy with homework and with stuff going on for the singles, we enjoy seeing him every once in a while as well as pawning off leftover desserts to him and his roomies. :)

We are anxiously awaiting this coming Thursday as we have an ultrasound and if the baby cooperates we will be able to find out if its a boy or a girl! The baby is now 18 weeks old, around 5 inches long and weighs around 5-6 ounces. I don't think I've felt our baby moving yet, so i can't wait for that to happen!
I've been feeling quite a bit better as far as the nausea goes, most of the time i'm actually able to enjoy cooking again and poor Malachi no longer has to live off of egg sandwiches, toast, and cold cereal. I'm still having a lot of pain, but i think the majority of it is from my health issues from before.

Mac is still working at Hot Topic he has anywhere from 5-15 hours a week depending on how busy they are. Though he doesn't have tons of hours we are still thankful for the work and also that when he isn't busy with work he is actually able to relax a bit instead of having to go non-stop all day long. He has been having a lot of sinus issues lately, especially sinus headaches, he's gone to the Doctor a few times but hasn't found anything that helps all that much, so this winter he has had some pretty miserable days. He has also been continuing to work on people's cars when he has extra time.

Last night we got to go to a valentines banquet with some friends from church, it was so nice to get out for a while and not have any responsibilities, we were really blessed as another couple paid for our tickets. I enjoyed not having to cook or clean up as well as the laughter we enjoyed with our friends. The speaker was pretty cool too and we were challenged to really focus on our marriage and not just let things slide.
(the pictures are from last night)

Thanks for all your continued prayers! We really appreciate them!
Love, Malachi, Karalise, and Baby