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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

a little "break"

  These past few months have been crazy for the Pratt family. Malachi working a ton trying to get ahead before a slow winter. Karalise stuck in bed for half the summer trying to make it to full term before she had Asher; then having him and trying to chase after Shiloh and recover from labor. Plus all the work we have been doing on our house so that it will be ready to sell by the time we leave for MTC next summer...etc. Needless to say, tension has been building in our household. So this weekend we decided to take a vacation. Malachi took Monday and Tuesday off from work and we headed south to Indiana for a couple of days with our church family and friends from First Baptist of Mentone, Indiana, for some much needed reconnecting and fellowship. On Wednesday however it is back to the daily grind. With this comes good news though; the winter season is upon us, and as a lawn and landscape professional there won't be as much on Malachi's plate in the coming weeks. He will be doing some plow driving this winter and since he will have some more time he will finally be able to get back to his internship at our church. We are hoping to make a few trips this winter and hope to get a chance to see all of you. For now we will leave you with just a little update on the kids.

Shiloh: Shi is growing like a weed. She's up and running now and has been for months. She is beautiful like her mom and a bit on the fiery side like her daddy,which should make for some rather interesting years to come. She is on the verge of talking on a more than just "mama" and "dada" basis, and is becoming quite the little helper, filling her role as big sister quite well.

Asher: Ash is a brute. He is already half  his sisters size at almost 22 inches and right around 10 lbs. He has held his head up since the day he came home from the hospital. His physical size and resilience come in handy as his big sister is still wrestling with how to handle him. Sometimes she wants to kiss him and other times she tries to hit him. All and all he is a great baby, he sleeps fairly well and he is for the most part quiet and content. We are looking forward to getting to see a little more of his personality in coming months.

Much love from the Pratts