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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Finished our 1st block of classes

We have just finished up our first block of classes. The end of last week we started studying Romans, 2 Corinthians, The History of the Church and Missions, Jude, and the Islamic religion. We are still taking the Ruth/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon class, that one won't be ending until the end of this month. This weekend we had a ton of homework, but thankfully it has been very thought-provoking and I have enjoyed it as there has been a lot of reading.

We are still teaching the 1st-6th grade children's church at First Baptist in Albion, MI. Today we were very thankful to have some friends from school there as we had 23 energetic kids in our class. We usually have 10-14, but our church was doing a community outreach today and praise the Lord that so many people showed up.

Time Management:
Please be praying for us that we will manage our time better as we have been taking on a little more this semester than last year. We have both been working, a huge blessing, but it also takes up quite a bit of time.

Q: What has 4 tires, 4 legs, and a sprained foot?
A: Us getting hit by a car.
We had a close call this past Monday while we were taking a little bit of time to be able to reconnect and spend some time together. We went for a walk around downtown Jackson, and as we were strolling along, someone didn't see us and managed to hit Malachi with their car, pushing us about 6 feet. Thankfully the only damage was a sore rear (Mac) and a sprained foot (Kara). A local doctor checked Kara's foot for free and now almost a week later we are mostly healed.

Thanks for your interest!

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