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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bad news....
Please be in prayer for us and the family as the woman that Kara helps care for passed away yesterday afternoon. Kara assisted the daughter in taking care of her mother, and it was the mother who passed away. Obviously this is hard on the family, though she has not been doing well for the a long time, so it was also good that she died. Pray for both of us that we will be a blessing to their family and that the daughter will completely trust in Christ to save her and not her good works. We will be involved with funeral stuff on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Good News...
Now for the good news, Karalise had some medical testing done this summer and we applied for some financial assistance to help cover the cost and the hospital just decided to cover the 100% of the bill. God definitely provides! :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's so exciting to hear about God providing for your medical finances. Such a blessing! Sorry to hear about Chloe's mom, though we knew it would happen soon. Hope that Chloe will come to Christ through this experience :) Miss yall a bunch! We miss having someone to pick on haha.
