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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Recently I was in conversation with one of our deans here and he asked me how things were looking for our return. I told him that we are not quite sure as we know that there is no possible way for us to earn the remainder of the $2000 we now need to come back, and that we are just waiting on the Lord to supply our need. He replied that we couldn't wait too much longer, and that he needs some sort of a heads up by Monday (Jan 4, 2010) and if we aren't returning then we need to be out of our apartment before the single students begin returning on the 10th. This leaves us with 3 problems, one is coming up with tuition money, another is finding a trailer to move all of our stuff, and the third is finding work in the Grand Rapids area. Why Grand Rapids? Well because we are looking at a short term internship with Pine Ridge Bible Camp. This would provide us with housing, as well as a place to practice a little of what we have been learning. Also, we would be working in support roles similar to the roles we will be potentially filling with New Tribes Mission sometime in the not to distant future.
We are excited for either outcome and we are just waiting to see how the Lord provides for our needs. As for the next few days, well we will continue working and preparing for next semester. Thanks you again for all your prayers and support. You are a much needed part of our team.

1 comment:

  1. guys, its refreshing to see you waiting with such anticipating faith and hope...praying with you!
    we're at
    should you want to check our life out...
