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In a world so full of darkness, our only concern is to show them the light.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Learning to "plod"

As it's been been quite a while since out last update, I will do my best to summarize the last several months as well as give some idea of our status in the way of ministry and preparation.
 I'd like to start back in the summer of  '11. we moved up to Grand Rapids area were I am originally from in the hopes of building a sending church relationship with Kent City Baptist Church. One year later we began to transition away from KCBC toward  our next faze of training with New Tribes Mission (NTM).  Somewhere in this process we were asked by the leadership at KCBC to consider spending more time pouring into this church. So we stayed here another year.  As we once again began the process of applying to NTM's Missions Training Center, we ran aground. We found that there were some things in our own relationships (both with each other and with Christ) that needed work before we could continue on. Also, as we began to communicate with church leaders, as well as our mentors, we were questioned as to whether NTM was a wise choice for us right now and were encouraged to examine our personal engiftments  and to pray and seek a ministry that we could thrive in. We were also challenged to learn how to be "plodders." Plodders are the people that come what may, put one foot in front of the other and walk with Christ, being faithful to do what has been entrusted to them, even when its hard to see the Lord working there. In doing this we have taken some additional time to serve, work, save, and pray.

Also during this whole time there has been the ongoing issue of Karalise's health, and our pursuit of answers there. We have seen many specialists, had many tests done, and so far we have narrowed the possibilities, yet have no concrete answers as to why she is sick. Its now been 6 years and she is growing weary of this. Yet there is hope as we are meeting with a doctor this coming month to schedule some more in depth testing in an area that was previously not an option because of insurance issues. Please be in prayer for her as  we are running out of options, and still have no answers.

Malachi: As for what we have been doing. I have have been working...a lot. I am the turf management/shop supervisor for a lawn and landscape company in our area. This means that I work long hours in all weather conditions, as it is my responsibility to make sure my side of the business gets done. I also have been working with the senior high youth group as a small group leader, and take my turns teaching both with the senior high as well as a 4-6th grade Sunday school class. I have also taught an institute class for adults on the book of Genesis.  Recently I have been invited to take part in a men's small group that allows me to be on the flip side of ministry, I get to be a sponge in a room filled with Biblical wisdom, as I am the youngest in the group as well as having the youngest children. These men have helped me process through a lot and I thank the Lord for them. Please be in prayer for me that I would manage my time better, that I can find time to be with Kara and the kids and still get done all that needs to be done, as well as finding time in the Word.

Kara: I have been spending a lot of time with our two little stinkers and some days I feel like all I do is change butts and wash dishes, however I am so thankful that I get to stay home with Shiloh and Asher. I just recently started cleaning houses with a good friend one day a week to help us as we are trying to save money. I've really been enjoying getting to know the girls in my Jr High small group better and helping out with the Kindergarten class at church. I'm so thankful for the amazing friends that I have made since we've been here, as they have been a huge encouragement to me as I figure out how to be a Mama, wife, and manage our household frugally. The ladies Bible study at our church has been really cool too. I love that Shiloh and Asher are close enough in age to enjoy doing a lot of the same things together, especially now that they are getting a bit bigger.

Shiloh: Shiloh is 2 1/2 now and knows exactly what she thinks about everything. She loves to do whatever Mama is doing and she does not miss anything that is going on around her. She loves to read books, play with babies, big trucks, her kitchen, puzzles, and mamas dishes. She is a little daredevil and likes to dive from couch to couch and jump off of anything. She is still quite attached to her "fluffy" (a dingy, used-to be-pink-blanky) and plays all sort of imaginary games with fluffy as her "bes fren". She is super social like her daddy, and loves to go places and visit people, she usually cries on the days we just stay home.

Asher: Asher just turned 1 at the end of October and wants to do everything by himself now, he can walk but he doesn't want to, because apparently he likes crawling like a monkey much better. He is quite stubborn, (apparently that's a family trait), smiley, and he loves to read books. Asher loves to play with cars and trucks especially, but also whatever Shiloh is playing with. When he gets tired he rubs his nose on anything fuzzy. We call him our little monster because he loves food and tries to eat anything in sight. He is fascinated by cows (thanks to one of his grandpas :) and has decided that almost all animals should "Mooo".

So you may be asking yourself  "what are they saving for?" Well for a while we were wondering about that ourselves, we looked at buying a house and staying here for while. We looked at going to the MTC, We looked at doing migrant ministry....and we dont think that any of these would be the best use of our lives. So for now we will continue to pray,and wait and save. Right now we are looking at me finishing my education, but we aren't sure what that will look like at this point. Please be in prayer for us as we begin to wrestle through that process of finding a school, what to major in, etc...

Thank you,
     Much love and Happy New Year,
             The Pratts

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Frederick Meijer Gardens with Grandma Dee

   Yesterday Grandma Dee took Shiloh, Asher, and me to the Frederick Meijer Gardens to check out the Butterfly Exhibit. At first Shiloh was pretty bummed that we were not going to the farm to "help" Grandpa feed the cows, but once we arrived, she got very excited. 
It was hot and humid inside!

Looking at the waterfall through the rocks
Watching the butterflies fly around while she recharged with some water. 

No Mom, i want to run around, not hold Asher for a picture!
So excited at everything to see outside!

This was Shiloh's favorite place, a pretend beaver lodge complete with puppet beavers and logs to climb on. We had a hard time getting Shiloh to want to go anywhere else!

"Bird, eggs, bird, eggs, bird, eggs, etc..." "Yes Shiloh, those are eggs and the birds sit  on them" :)

Running and bouncing across the bridge
It was a fun day, but we were all very tired when we left, thanks for the fun day Grandma Dee! :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pie for breakfast?!?

   Yesterday evening while Malachi was gone fixing our car, Shiloh and I decided to make a treat for when he got home. At the ripe old age of 21 months, I figured Shiloh was old enough to learn how to make a pie herself...
rolling out the crust
She loved every second of it and our floor and table were thoroughly dusted with flour. 
adding the fruit
A berry for the pie, then one for the baby. Her favorite part was dipping the frozen berries in the pie filling and sucking on them. 
putting on the "lid"
After I put it in the oven, Shiloh kept running around the kitchen yelling: "hot, pie" "hot, pie" Since her little pie was not finished until after her bedtime; she had to wait til the next morning to enjoy it...
Pie (and eggs) for  breakfast :)
I hope this made you smile...have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Application finished!

Applied to MTC:
Late Monday night, we excitedly pressed the "submit" button to turn in our applications for Missions Training Center (MTC) to complete our training with New Tribes Mission. All we have left is to turn in our physicals results which will be the first week of April. I never realized how long it would take to apply with 2 little ones demanding attention every few minutes. :) We aren't sure whether to go to the campus in Durham, ON, Canada or in Roach, Missouri. We are praying for guidance as to where to go if we get accepted and also how soon we will be able to go because of the cost. Ideally we would like to head there this coming August, but we will see what the Lord has planned!

Asher~5 months, Shiloh~20 months  
Shiloh and Asher:
The kids, especially Shiloh, continue to be sick on a regular basis, probably due to Shiloh sticking everything she finds in her Mouth. :( Though they still have snotty noses this morning, I think they are once again starting to feel better. Shiloh is 20 months old today and has learned some new things this past month, its so fun to watch her grow!
playing with Play-doh

helping dada hang Asher's bouncer
Asher continues to get more fun and interactive, he loves to jump in his bouncer and kick and squirm around.  He just started eating solids and loves eating at the table with the rest of us.

First solid food
Malachi's Genesis class on Thursday nights continues to go well, he's going to be talking about the Flood tomorrow night. We were able to get a "new" and what we hoped was a reliable vehicle last week with our tax return, however, it started having problems on the drive back home. So far Malachi has not been able to figure out what is wrong, so please pray that we can get it resolved soon and have a reliable vehicle! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hey all just a quick update on our situation. I received  word yesterday that we will not be coming on staff in Jackson this fall. We are still looking to the Lord for direction and are currently looking at our options for phase 2 of our training. please keep us in your prayers in coming weeks as we really just seek His will for our next step.  thanks again for your prayers. much love ~ The Pratts

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Visit to NTBI and Albion

  Last week we had a wonderful time reconnecting with some old friends as well as meeting some new ones during our visit to Albion and Jackson, Michigan.

NTBI Volunteer Week:
  A few months ago, Malachi was in contact with the PPD (maintenance department) at New Tribes Bible Institute (NTBI) in Jackson, MI.Several of the guys working on PPD are being transferred elsewhere or retiring, which means there is a huge need for maintenance guys there. They wanted Malachi to come down and volunteer for a week to see if his skill set was what they needed to fill in some of the gaps. So we prayed about it and decided that we needed to be open to the possibility of going there to work for several years before going  to Missions Training Center (MTC) in the fall if that was where the Lord wanted us. We won't hear anything for a few weeks as some of the staff are on vacation right now, but we are praying that when we do hear back from the staff that God will make it clear whether we are to continue to try to go to MTC this fall or whether we should apply as associate missionaries with New Tribes Mission so that Malachi can help out at NTBI for a few years first. Please pray!!!

Asher with our good friends Wooh-ah and Enoch
  While we were there, we had some great opportunities to get to know some of the new students at NTBI as well as see some old and very dear friends. We loved being able to spend some time with TJ (Kara's brother, who is a senior at NTBI right now) and hear how he is doing and what God is teaching him.
Malachi and "Uncle TJ" Playing "catch" with Shiloh, her favorite game
 We also had the opportunity to go to church, at First Baptist in Albion MI and to catch up with our friends there! We enjoyed going to a date night hosted by our church on Valentines and the opportunity to spend time with friends!

Our Kiddos:
  Shiloh is 19 months old, and a little stinker!She loves to make people laugh, to visit people and to get into mischief. She is cutting her 4 canines right now and also fighting an ear infection, but even though she is miserable, she was chasing Malachi around the house yesterday yelling like a little banshee. She wants to help us with everything we are doing and doesn't miss anything that goes on.

Shiloh "reading" books to Asher
  Asher is 4 months old on Wednesday and is a very chunky, happy baby. He smiles as soon as Malachi or Shiloh comes into sight and whenever he's laying on the ground he's constantly kicking and squirming. He has just started to take an interest in grabbing things, he loves to pull my hair and grab at toys.

We will keep you posted! Thanks for praying!
Malachi, Karalise, Shiloh, and Asher Pratt